Housing Application Instructions
Follow these steps to apply for housing at Franklin Pierce University. If you have any questions please call or email us at 603.899.4176 housing@gt5cheats.com
How to Fill Out the New Student QuestionNaire
- Log In to the Housing Portal
- Visit franklinpierce.erezlife.com and log in using your Franklin Pierce University username and password.
- Begin Your Application
- Click on Apply for Housing in the portal.
- Select the Application
- Click the green Apply Now button next to the label Spring 2025 (Undergraduate) (New Student) and follow the prompts.
- Complete the New Student Questionnaire
- Answer all questions honestly to help us match you with a compatible roommate. It’s important that you fill this out yourself—please don’t have a parent complete it for you.
- Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be answered.
- Review and Submit
- On the Confirm Application tab, review the University’s Housing Contract by clicking the terms & conditions file link.
- Once you’ve read the contract, click Submit Application to finalize your submission.
- Confirmation
- After successfully submitting your questionnaire, you will see a confirmation message.
- A confirmation email will also be sent to your Franklin Pierce University email account.
A confirmation email will also be sent to your Franklin Pierce University email.
How to find a roommate
The RoomeeZ function allows students to create a profile if they wish, and then search
profiles other students. Think online dating site but for finding a future potential
roommate at college. To view others’ profiles, you first need to create a profile
for yourself by following these steps:
Step 1: When logged into your eRezLife account, click RoomeeZ profile.
Step 2: Fill out your profile.
To make your profile viewable to others when they search, check the box which says
Turn on my profile.
If you would like to upload a picture of yourself, you can do so - this is optional.
Step 3: Under Viewable housing application fields, choose your level of comfortability with
sharing your information with fellow students searching RoomeeZ profiles. “All applicants”
means it will be viewable to anyone. “My contacts” will only be viewable to other
applicants once you approve their contact request. “Private” means this info is not
shared with anyone.
Step 4: Email? Text? Social media? The choice is yours on your preferred method of communication
for your peers to reach out to you.
Step 5: Click Save.
Step 6: To search other profiles, click Roommate search.
Use the filters to narrow down your searches of other profiles. If after reading a
profile you’d like to get to know that student a little better, you can click send
contact request. When Student A sends a contact request to Student B, an email will
be sent to Student B letting them know they have a contact request to review. All
contacts and contact requests are easily viewable under RoomeeZ contacts.
How to Request a RoomMate
Step 1: First, in order to request a roommate, you must:
1) Have submitted your New Student Questionnaire. Once you submit yours, you will
see Roommate groups in the menu on the left.
2) Know the Franklin Pierce University email address of the person you would like
to room with.
Step 2: Click Roommate groups, and then you have two choices:
1) Create a roommate group, or
2) Join a roommate group another student has invited you to
To Create A New Roommate Group:
- Click Create new roommate group
- Create a name for your group. Group names will be viewable to the Residential Life staff so while you can be creative in naming your group, please be appropriate.
- Type in the FPU email address of the student you would like to live with. This will create a roommate group in their eRezLife account from which they can choose to join, or not. Before you are able to add a friend to the roommate group, they need to have completed their New Student Questionnaire. If they haven’t, you will not be able to add their name to the roommate group.
To Join An Already Created Roommate Group:
- Click the circle next to the roommate group name you want to join in the column titled My Choice
- A green check mark next to the names of the students in your group means the group is complete and each person has confirmed they want to live with the other person.
- If a name in your roommate group does not have a green check mark next to it, it means that student has not yet accepted / confirmed they want to be a part of the roommate group.
How to Request to Live Off-Campus
Franklin Pierce is a residential university committed to education both inside and outside the classroom. As such, we believe that living in university housing is a valuable component of the total educational and developmental experience of being a student. Because of these institutional commitments, a student is required to reside on-campus unless they submit a petition and are approved to live off campus.
Residential Life, in consultation with other offices, will review off-campus petitions and make the final decision regarding off-campus status. Any student who does not obtain written exemption from the residential requirement is to remain in university housing and is responsible for all associated costs and fees.
Step 1: Navigate to franklinpierce.erezlife.com and log in using your Franklin Pierce University username and password.
Step 2: Click apply for housing
Step 3: Click Apply now to bring up the Off-Campus Petition
Step 4: Complete the Off-Campus Petition. Questions with a red asterisk mark (*) are required questions. Please note, supporting documentation is needed depending on your reason for petitioning to live off-campus which can be uploaded within the form and we cannot review your off-campus petition without the required supporting documentation.
Step 5: On the Confirm application tab, be sure to read the University’s Off-Campus Terms & Conditions by clicking the terms & conditions file link and then click Submit application.
Step 6: Once your Off-Campus Petition has successfully been submitted, you will see a confirmation message and a confirmation email will also be sent to your Franklin Pierce University email. From there, your petition will be reviewed and a member of Residential Life will email you with the decision.
undergraduate admissions
Undergraduate Admissions
(800) 437-0048
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.